Triathlete Mindset
Helping triathletes build amazing training, racing, and life experiences by providing them with mental and emotional strategies that are guaranteed to make them stronger and happier triathletes. We talk to coaches and triathletes about their athletic journeys and they share with us their most valuable life lessons.
Triathlete Mindset
TRIATHLETE MINDSET Episode #20 Why Women are Unique - Sara Gross
Coach Morgon The Peoples Coach
Season 1
Episode 20
You shouldn’t need a PhD to tell you that women have different needs than men. Oh Woman, does Sara Gross have something to say about that! With a Doctorate in Women’s History and a couple Ironman championships, this professional triathlete, coach and writer is breaking the one size fits all mold. Through a women’s specific triathlon training program, her live feisty media company, numerous podcasts highlighting the uniqueness of women in sports, and various summits and courses, the message is simple. Treat everyone like a human first, listen to each other and keep trying.
Contact Sara Gross: https://livefeisty.com
Contact Coach Morgon: https://morgonlatimore.com/triathlon-coaching/